What a great idea! Affordable glow bracelets in a vintage bottle to create outdoor lighting! Fantastic for being led up or down the garden path, sort of…. Simply get some glow bracelets, mix the colours up and put them in a bottle. Makes a change to a message! Thanks for the picture masteron 100 Katrina Grech/…..
We have now have this bad boy to rent out for your event! A Pro light blasting out 400 Watts of UV to cover a good sized stage area from 0 – 20 meters. Comes complete with a stand and cables to reach any UK plug. Available on a daily rate or for longer periods. Pick up or…..
At night your Sun Jar lights up automatically. In the day leave your Sun Jar outside – or in a sunny window for several hours to charge. Made with a traditional Mason Jar. Inside the jar is a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and LED lamp. When the jar is placed in sunlight, the solar…..